Young Adult Membership in the Knights
Why should someone in their 20s and 30s join the Knights of Columbus? Active participation at this transitional life stage is an excellent way to make lifelong friends who share your faith and values, become a part of your community and to build a professional and social network.
Members also have access to unique benefits and formational resources.
College Councils
The mission of the Knights of Columbus College Council Program is to promote the moral, intellectual and spiritual development of the future leaders of civil society, the Order, and the Church through witness to the Gospel and dedication to the principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism.
Contact us for information on starting a college council at your school.
Young Adult Chapters
A young adult chapter is a joint venture between a state council, local councils and the Supreme Council office designed to respond to the unique needs of young adult members and to support their development. Through these chapters, young members receive support and encouragement to continue their active involvement in the Knights after graduation, especially through enhancing the membership experience of young parish council members.
Contact us for information on starting a young adult chapter in your area.
Young Adult Insurance Program
"Tempus Fugit, Memento Mori"
The Knights of Columbus offer easy and affordable ways for young men to protect their families through term life insurance. Adequate life insurance assures that your loved ones will be financially protected.
Get in touch with one of our agents to learn about a special program for Knights aged 18-29, or contact your council's field agent for general information about products available through the Knights..
Resources for Young Adult Knights
Online Catholic Content
A blog for young adults sponsored by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops
Word on Fire Catholic Ministries is a nonprofit global media apostolate that supports the work of Bishop Robert Barron and reaches millions of people to draw them into— or back to— the Catholic faith.
Get Active
The USCCB Action Center is sponsored by the Bishops. View current action alerts and sign up for future action alerts so that you can contact your elected representatives to express your concerns and opinions on upcoming national legislation.
Catholic Conference of Illinois
The Catholic Conference of Illinois was created in 1969 to serve as the public policy voice of the Illinois bishops and lay Catholics. It interacts with the state legislature, the governor’s office and all elements of state government to promote and defend the interests of the Church.
For Young Families
An online forum for Catholic fathers to share experience and insight and connect with other men.
Fun teaching tools and gifts, activities and crafts for raising young, Catholic children.